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 Server Rules (ENGLISH)

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-02-08
Age : 28
Location : Gotland,Sweden

Server Rules (ENGLISH) Empty
PostSubject: Server Rules (ENGLISH)   Server Rules (ENGLISH) EmptySun Feb 08, 2009 8:58 am

Treat other players on the server with respect and treat them well. The goal is that every player playing at a Battlefield Sweden server should enjoy their stay and feel welcome here while playing.

Baserape is not allowed and will result in an warn/kick and if its happens again it will be an immediate ban. Every enemy vehicle in uncappable main base is considered as baserape. To drop bombs from aeroplanes on uncappable main base is considered as baserape, this also applies to carriers. Commander artillery on uncappable mainbase is considered as baserape, this also applies to carriers. Shooting at spawning players in uncappable main base is considered as baserape unregarding the distance from where the shot was fired. Its not allowed to attack helis or jets in uncap bases the must leave the uncap base first same rules on carrier the helis and jets must leave the carrier first. To blow up commander resources is allowed.
However, you may shoot down JET S and HELIS that returns to the home base (UNCAP) then you are not safe (!!), you have the right to fulfill the air-chase and shoot down the one you where in fight with even when he landed. But you may NOT shoot down any other enemies who’s located inside the home base (UNCAP).

This is in order to that UNCAP should not be some kind of ‘security’ zone, you better defend yourself than cowardly go back to the base.
You are allowed to attack the commander assets as Spec-ops and blow up the enemies UAV, artillery and the scanner. If you kill someone within the explosion of the assets it won’t count as baserape that’s because the commander or other enemies may not camp there. You are not allowed to kill anyone if you are on your way in/out from the main base (UNCAP), this will be classified as baserape and will result in a warning, kick or ban.

Admin have the privilege to interprete what is baserape or not.

Your Presence are not allowed at spawnpoints like US forward uncappable spawnpoints at, Karkand arty and Wake Island arty island. Same goes for arty and bombing on those spawnpoints. Only exeption is Spec-ops destroying commander resources.

To repeatedly and deliberately kill team-mates will result in an direct kick and if it dont stop after the kick an immediate ban.

To stand in front of a team-mates vehicle with the sole intention to be team killed is not allowed. To inflict a team kill on yourself and then punish is considered a violation of our rules and will result in a kick and ban.

To kill a teammate to get a vehicle, heli, plane will result in an direct kick and if it dont stop after the kick an immediate ban.

If someone on your team is shooting at you, do not shoot back. If caught by an admin doing this you will both be punished for TD. The same rule applies to vehicles. It comes with the nature of the game that there will be some TD and far from all TD is intended. If you consider the TD to be a problem please contact an admin.

Commander using jets or heli or vehicle like tank apc instead of commanding, results in a warn then a direct kick and if its happens again direct ban. Commander must be commander thats it! but using cars its ok in mainbase so the commander can defend himself and use the car to go fast to repair commander tools like uav radar and the artillery.

Name-calling, usage of foul language or to disrespect other players is not accepted and will result in a ban for bad behaviour. The same rule applies to accusations of cheating of any kind. These discussions take place in our forum and/or with an admin. The same rule also applies to your ingame name. Choose your ingame name with care, if it is considered to be offensive in any way you will not be allowed to play on our server.

Dont harassing players or ADMINS on the servers If it doesn’t stop it will result in a kick,  if its going on after a warning/kick its you get a ban. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you may lodge an appeal on the official forums. You may not use any offensive or sexually explicit language in chat or voice mode .You may not use foul or slanderous language involving race, gender, sexual preference, religion or creed its results in a ban.

To use cheat or cheating in any way is not allowed and will result in an immediate ban. You will also be reported to EA.

To use glitch or bugs exploits is not allowed and will result in an immediate ban. You will also be reported to EA.

Stats padding is not allowed and will result in an immediate ban. You will also be reported to EA.

If a team-mate is repairing a damaged vehicle he’s intention is most likely to use the vehicle when repaired, please respect this.

Sometimes the automatic team balancing is out of order. When so it is your responsibility to even out the teams. Admin can force you to change team, changing back to the first team after teamchange on admin decision will result in a temporary ban for bad behaviour.

The languages used on our servers is Swedish or English. Please respect everyone’s ability to understand what is writtenin the chat.

Always do what an admin tell you. If you have any against admin behaviour, These discussions take place in Battlefield Swedens forum and not on the ingame chat on the server.

However, you may shoot down JET S and HELIS that returns to the home base (UNCAP) then you are not safe (!!), you have the right to fulfill the air-chase and shoot down the one you where in fight with even when he landed. But you may NOT shoot down any other enemies who’s located inside the home base (UNCAP).

This is in order to that UNCAP should not be some kind of ‘security’ zone, you better defend yourself than cowardly go back to the base.
You are allowed to attack the commander assets as Spec-ops and blow up the enemies UAV, artillery and the scanner. If you kill someone within the explosion of the assets it won’t count as baserape that’s because the commander or other enemies may not camp there. You are not allowed to kill anyone if you are on your way in/out from the main base (UNCAP), this will be classified as baserape and will result in a warning, kick or ban.
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